Update 2024-05-14

I added new goals to Short Term. I also knocked out all of the “Getting Started” objectives. I’m not sure if I will be updating this page in the future, just wanted to test out some stuff!

Welcome to radio gogo! At this time, I have decided the throw in the towel on developing a website from scratch. I found this ”🌸 Sweet, Powerful, IndieWeb-Compatible SvelteKit Blog Starter” called Urara that can (hopefully) help me kickstart my journey to getting my ideas into a web format.

Goal Setting

Getting Started

  • Find a SvelteKit blog template
  • Create first “blog” post
  • Deploy using Vercel
  • Customize site with a background image

Short Term

  • Learn more about using Markdown syntax
  • Decide best way to categorize posts of different topics
  • Link socials (maybe)
  • Decide on a default theme, light and dark variant
  • Figure out how to have a different photo for banner than shows up in post (or at least a focused part of the photo)

Long Term

  • Consolidate past development projects into a single portfolio
  • Record progress of other projects in work
  • Document knowledge on topics I have repeatedly sought

Stay tuned as things progress and we’ll see what happens!


Banner Template - I Wish I Was At Home / They Don’t Know