Letā€™s get into some s**tā€¦

How it started.

There once was a young boy with an obsession for consuming media.

Booksā€¦ moviesā€¦ musicā€¦ video games, you name it.

These mediums expanded this boys mind and opened up an entire world of new thoughts and ideas that he could never imagine given his environment and circumstances.

In order to satiate his hunger, he would visit the local library many times a week. Over the course of many visits, he checked out every movie on VHS they would let him have without an age restriction (and, if he was lucky, sometimes they didnā€™t check).

He did not discriminate on what genre of movie he was willing to watch, although he would usually reserve repeated viewings to those of Action or Comedy. Eventually, he was handed down a VHS player that was fancy enough to have auto-rewind and auto-repeat features! The boy would constantly have a movie on even if just for background noise while performing other activities.

I apologize to those who are still reading this, I did not make any type of outline on this topic and have no idea what I am doing. Letā€™s move on to the next point, shall we?

Why do I care?

You may be interested to know (no one cares) that the boy I mentioned before (it wasnā€™t that far up) is me (itā€™s pretty obvious)!


Again, why do I care?

Iā€™m gonna be honest with you, dear reader, I donā€™t know why you should care. My intentions with this post have went off the rails a bit. As I started to think about my past and the origins of where my interest in media consumption began, I started to get carried away with documenting that story, although a very small portion. I hope to share more on this topic in the future, but letā€™s move on to somewhat of a point.

How itā€™s going.

As I grew up, began working, and moved out, I began to find myself with less limitations on how much media I could collectā€¦ It never really occurred to me until much later in life, that the concept of ā€œhaving time to utilize your collectionā€ would be an issue. I just kept collecting and collecting, much like the dragon hoarded gold until he was stuck in the cave. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a fitting comparison but it feels right, so LFG!

Iā€™m not going to go into specifics at this time but Iā€™m told admitting you have a problem is the first step. I have taken great strides in the recent past in actually doing something about the dreaded backlog but the most important step is to not add to it. Actually, a better step would probably be learning to let goā€¦ But that, most certainly, is easier said than done.

Final thoughts.

If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to check out the rantings of a mad man. At least, thatā€™s how I think of it. This is my first foray of doing any type of ā€œseriousā€ writing. I am not sure if I will do more posts like this but it was therapeutic in a weird kind of way. Until next time!


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